Easygoing Early #October #Garden #Photos


Early October is the herald for the season of slow slumber in New Hampshire. The garden is beyond twilight and though most plants are preparing for winter, some things re-surge. The dahlias come back with a vengeance. One. Last. Hurrah.

We had great leafy vegetable crop; four kinds of lettuce and some awesome kale, which is very happy with the cold right now. We had a steady tomato crop and my peppers grew very well this year. Our pear tree is old enough to give us lots of fruit this year and they have been delicious. We had a big enough crop that we could give some to neighbors.

We’ve continued to have warmer weather for fall, though our nights are dipping as they should. It has been a little dry as well. Times of killing frost are almost upon us. I hope you enjoy the flower and plant gallery; this will be the last one for this year!

Author: Kyle

Kyle Leach is an Artist, Poet, Blogger, Gardener, Museum Curator, & Community Activist.

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