Site icon Kyle Leach

#MixedMedia Tribute #Portrait #WaterColor & Acrylic

This one is a test subject. I want to get back into doing some portraiture. I haven’t done any portraits since I was in school, so my skills for capturing human subtlety is somewhat atrophied. I wanted to start with someone I liked, but who was not a personal favorite of mine or a direct inspiration for me. I certainly didn’t want to do someone I knew well. I had created this watercolor background around the time of David Bowie’s death and it reminded me of Bowie.

It makes me think of a nebula. Vast. Alien. Enigmatic.

I set it aside the watercolor background as I didn’t know what I wanted to do with it. Fast forward to a few weeks ago and I thought of placing Bowie on this background. I may come back to this one. I’m not happy with all of the technical aspects of the painting but it is a good start to remembering this pop culture phenomenon.




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